Sign up for FREE!

Registration at SjouerCasting is of course free!
Send a recent resume with demonstrable experience and performed productions.
Send two or more recent casting photos [color or bw] not older than 2 years.
Send it by email :
You will receive a confirmation of receipt.

We cannot guarantee work, but where possible we will introduce you and invite you to a casting. Send an update with a recent photo once every quarter and keep us informed of your acting activities. If something changes, such as email, address or telephone number, let us know immediately!

Do you need new casting photos: check CASTINGFOTOS.NL and call 020-6754279 for consultation


When you have a VAT number and a registration with the Chamber of Commerce, we can pay your VAT invoice.

Download model-contract

This prevents wage tax and national insurance contributions from having to be withheld afterwards.
That responsibility lies with the performing actor and our clients, the producers. In addition to an additional payroll tax, there is also a fine. Avoid that!

So we follow the advice of the tax authorities.

If you are not a self-employed person, we will register you with Stichting Raakvlak and they will pay you. You must register with Stichting Raakvlak yourself.


You increase your chances with a showreel on
Make a showreel and we will post it for free for you.
Not a showreel yet? We are happy to advise you.